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OS/2 REXX Batch file
832 lines
*** This will logon to IBMLink and provide the requested services.
*** ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
*** This REXX exec is submitted automatically on a daily basis to login
*** and download the new messages on the BBS. The code that automates
*** the timed submission is Chron from Hilbert Computing. Hilbert
*** can be reached at the address and BBS number listed below:
*** Hilbert Computing
*** 1022 N. Cooper
*** Olathe, KS 66061
*** Voice: (913) 780-5051
*** BBS: (913) 829-2450
arg Function Pswd . '(' Options
call ParseOptions Options
/* Set up global values */
Host. = ''
Host.Session = 'D'
Host.Application = 'IBMLink'
Host.Applid = 'IBM0MON2'
Host.Account = 'xxxx'
Host.Userid = 'yyyyyyy'
Host.Logmode = 'PC3270M2'
Host.Password = Pswd
Host.OpSys = 'VM'
Bbs. = '' /* List of the BBS forums to visit */
Bbs.Forum.0 = 10
Bbs.Forum.1 = 'OS2PRG'
Bbs.Forum.2 = 'OS2PMPGM'
Bbs.Forum.3 = 'OS2TLKIT'
Bbs.Forum.4 = 'C-SET2'
Bbs.Forum.5 = 'OS2REXX'
Bbs.Forum.6 = 'OS2TCPIP'
Bbs.Forum.7 = 'OS2WPS'
Bbs.Forum.8 = 'OS2DOS'
Bbs.Forum.9 = 'OS2DBM'
Bbs.Forum.10 = 'OS2LAN'
call LoadFunctions
call HapiConnect
if Opt.Logon then
call HostLogon
call Os2bbs Function
if Opt.Logon then
call HostLogoff
call HapiDisconnect
*** ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
*** │ Misc Support Functions │
*** └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
ParseOptions: procedure expose Opt.
*** This will parse the options passed and return the values in the stem
*** variable opt.
arg opt
/* Set defaults */
Opt. = ''
Opt.Logon = 1
do i = 1 to words(opt)
option = word(opt, i)
parse upper var option option
when option = "LOGON" then Opt.Logon = 1
when option = "NOLOGON" then Opt.Logon = 0
when option = "NOLOG" then Opt.Logon = 0
say "Warning: Unrecognized option" option". It was ignored"
end /* select */
LoadFunctions: procedure
*** This will load all of the DLLs that are used by this exec.
if RxFuncQuery('HLLAPI') then
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs
GetPassword: procedure
*** This will grab keystrokes and enter them back as '*' characters
Password = ''
Key = SysGetKey('NoEcho')
do while c2x(Key) <> '0D'
when c2x(Key) = '08' then
Password = left(Password, (length(password)-1))
Password = Password || Key
end /* select */
Key = SysGetKey('NoEcho')
say "Password Received."
return Password
*** ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
*** │ OS/2 BBS Routines │
*** └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Os2bbs: procedure expose Host. Bbs.
*** This routine will download information on the OS/2 BBS on IBMLink.
*** it will either grab the NEW information or ALL information and
*** store it in a local file.
*** On Entry: IBMLink Main Menu
*** On Exit: IBMLink Main Menu
arg Scope .
/* Get to the main menu */
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@0OS2BBS@E')
code = HostWaitFor(120, 'Main Menu')
if code = -1 then
call HostError
say "OS/2 BBS Main Menu"
/* Get to the Forums */
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@0@E')
rc = hllapi('Wait')
do i = 1 to Bbs.Forum.0
Bbs.FHandle = Open(Bbs.Forum.i'.BBS', 'Append')
call Os2bbsVisitForum Bbs.Forum.i Scope
call lineout Bbs.FHandle, copies('═', 79)
Bbs.FHandle = Close(Bbs.FHandle)
/* Exit the OS/2 BBS and get back to IBMLink */
call Os2bbsExit
Os2bbsExit: procedure
*** This will exit the user from the OS2BBS appliction on IBMLink
say "Exiting the OS/2 BBS"
Position = hllapi('Search_ps',' eXit',1)
if Position <> 0 then
code = hllapi('Set_cursor_pos', (Position-2))
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@E')
code = hllapi('Wait')
/* We should now be at the main menu */
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@3')
code = hllapi('Wait')
code = HostWaitFor(45, 'Press PF3 again to CONFIRM your request.')
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@3')
code = hllapi('Wait')
Os2bbsVisitForum: procedure expose Screen. Host. Bbs.
*** This will visit an OS/2 BBS forum and grab either the NEW posts
*** or ALL of the posts based on the Scope passed.
*** On Entry: OS/2 Bulletin Board Topics panel
*** On Exit: OS/2 Bulletin Board Topics panel
parse arg Forum Scope .
say "Visiting the" Forum "forum to download" Scope "messages."
/* Get a screen shot */
call HostScreenToStem
/* Find out how many panels there are */
parse var Screen.2 'Panel' PanelCurrent 'of' PanelMax
/* Make sure we are on the first panel */
do Panel = (PanelCurrent - 1) to 1 by -1
call HostPageUp
/* Scan the screen(s) for the requested forum */
FoundRow = 0
do Panel = 1 to PanelMax while FoundRow = 0
do i = 9 to (Screen.Rows - 2) while FoundRow = 0
if pos(Forum, Screen.i) > 0 then
FoundRow = i
end /* row loop */
if FoundRow = 0 then
call HostPageDown
end /* panel loop */
if FoundRow = 0 then
say "Forum '"Forum"' not found on the IBMLink OS/2 BBS."
/* If we get here, then we know the row on the current screen where */
/* the desired forum is. Put the cursor there and press Enter */
code = HostEnterXY(2, FoundRow)
/* Check to see what the scope is. If ALL notes are requested, then */
/* tab down to the next spot and hit enter, otherwise just hit enter */
if Scope = 'ALL' then
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@T@E')
rc= hllapi('Wait')
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@E')
rc= hllapi('Wait')
/* Make a quick check to see if there are no new entries */
call HostScreenToStem
StatusLine = Screen.Rows - 1;
if pos("You have seen all the", Screen.StatusLine) = 0 then
call Os2bbsPullEntries
/* Go back to the forum menu */
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@3')
code = hllapi('Wait')
/* See if there are any replies queued to be uploaded to the OS/2 BBS */
if Exists(Forum'.rpl') then
call Os2bbsUploadReplies Forum
/* Get back to the Topics panel */
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@3')
code = hllapi('Wait')
Os2bbsPullEntries: procedure expose Host. Bbs.
*** This will cycle through all of the notes in the list and place
*** them in a file.
*** On Entry: Forum Entries
*** On Exit: Forum Entries
say "Pulling entries."
call HostScreenToStem
/* Pull the number of panels of entries */
parse var Screen.2 'Panel' PanelCurrent 'of' PanelMax
do Panels = 1 to PanelMax
/* Read each individual note */
do Row = 9 to (Screen.Rows - 2) while strip(Screen.Row) <> ""
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@E')
code = hllapi('Wait')
call Os2bbsReadEntry Forum
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@T')
if Panels <> PanelMax then
call HostPageDown
end /* Panels */
Os2bbsReadEntry: procedure expose Host. Bbs.
*** This will cycle through all of the notes in the list and place
*** them in a file.
*** On Entry: Text for a single note
*** On Exit: Forum Entries
parse arg Forum .
call HostScreenToStem
call lineout Bbs.FHandle, copies('═', 79)
/* Pull the number of panels of entries */
parse var Screen.2 'Panel' PanelCurrent 'of' PanelMax
do Panels = 1 to PanelMax
/* Find the last non-blank line */
do Row = (Screen.Rows - 1) to 3 by -1 while strip(Screen.Row) = ""
LastRow = Row
/* Write the lines to the forum file */
do Row = 3 to LastRow
call lineout Bbs.FHandle, strip(Screen.Row, 'Trailing')
if Panels <> PanelMax then
call HostPageDown
end /* Panels */
/* Exit back to the Forum Entries */
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@3')
code = hllapi('Wait')
Os2bbsUploadReplies: procedure expose Host. Bbs.
*** This routine if called if there is a reply file for this forum.
*** It will upload the information into the forum as a new note.
*** On Entry: Forum Menu
*** On Exit: Forum Menu
arg Forum .
say "Uploading replies to the" Forum "forum."
/* Open the replies file */
ReplyFile = Open(Forum'.rpl', 'READ')
if ReplyFile = '' then
/* Skip the first line of the file (separator line) */
line = linein(ReplyFile)
/* Find the start of the reply */
do while(lines(ReplyFile) > 0)
call Os2bbsReplyToStem ReplyFile
call Os2bbsUploadReply
code = Close(ReplyFile)
'@copy' ReplyFile '*.snt'
'@erase' ReplyFile
Os2bbsReplyToStem: procedure expose Reply.
*** This will load a single reply into a stem variable
arg ReplyFile
line = linein(ReplyFile) /* Skip the forum line */
line = linein(ReplyFile) /* Should be the subject line */
Reply. = ''
parse var line . 'Subject: ' Reply.Subject
i = 1
line = linein(ReplyFile)
do while(lines(ReplyFile) > 0) & (pos("══════════════════════", line) = 0)
Reply.i = line
i = i + 1
line = linein(ReplyFile)
end /* while */
if pos("══════════════════════", line) = 0 then
Reply.0 = i - 1
Reply.0 = i
Os2bbsUploadReply: procedure expose Host. Bbs. Reply.
*** This routine if called if there is a reply file for this forum.
*** It will upload the information into the forum as a new note.
*** On Entry: Forum Menu
*** On Exit: Forum Menu
call HostScreenToStem
/* Look for the correct line containing the menu selection for */
/* submitting a new item */
do Row = 3 to Screen.Rows while pos("Submit A New Item", Screen.Row) = 0
if Row = Screen.Row then
say "Error: Expected to find a 'Submit New Item' menu and didn''t."
code = HostEnterXY(2, Row)
/* We are now at the append screen */
code = hllapi('Sendkey', Reply.Subject'@T@E')
/* We are now at the text entry screen */
Row = 3
do i = 1 to Reply.0
code = hllapi('Sendkey', substr(Reply.i, 1, 78)'@T')
/* Page down if we have filled a screen */
if Row >= (Screen.Rows - 2) then
call HostPageDown
Row = 3
Row = Row + 1
/* Return from the edit screen */
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@3')
code = hllapi('Wait')
/* Tab twice to the append mark and press enter */
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@T@T@E')
code = hllapi('Wait')
*** ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
*** │ Host Routines │
*** └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
HostEnterXY: procedure expose Host.
*** This will position the cursor at a row and column and press the
*** Enter key.
parse arg x, y .
rcode = HostCursorXY(x,y)
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@E')
rcode = hllapi('Wait')
return code
HostCursorXY: procedure expose Host.
*** This will position the cursor at the proper row and column
parse arg x, y .
Position = hllapi('Convert_pos', Host.Session, x, y)
code = hllapi('Set_cursor_pos', Position)
return code
HostPageDown: procedure expose Screen. Host.
*** This will page down to the next screen and refresh the Screen.
*** stem variable with the new screen.
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@8')
rc = hllapi('Wait')
call HostScreenToStem
HostPageUp: procedure expose Screen. Host.
*** This will page up to the previous screen and refresh the Screen.
*** stem variable with the new screen.
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@7')
rc = hllapi('Wait')
call HostScreenToStem
HostScreenToStem: procedure expose Host. Screen.
*** This will get the current screen and break it into the stem
*** variable called Screen.
call HostGetScreenSize
PresSpace = hllapi('Copy_PS_to_str', 1, (Screen.Rows * Screen.Cols))
do i = 1 to Screen.Rows
Screen.i = left(PresSpace, Screen.Cols)
PresSpace = substr(PresSpace, Screen.Cols+1)
HostGetScreenSize: procedure expose Host. Screen.
*** This will fill the stem variable with the number of rows and
*** columns in the current screen.
SessionStatus = hllapi('Query_session_status', Host.Session)
Screen.Rows = c2d(reverse(substr(SessionStatus, 12, 2)))
Screen.Cols = c2d(reverse(substr(SessionStatus, 14, 2)))
HostError: procedure expose Host.
*** This will handle unexpected response errors from the host session
arg code .
when code = 1001 then say 'Host could not process QUERY TIME command.'
when code = 1002 then say 'Can''t synch time on this host operating system.'
when code = 1003 then say 'Don''t know how to logon to this host operating system.'
otherwise say 'Unexpected response from host.'
end /* select */
call HapiDisconnect
HostLogon: procedure expose Host.
*** This will log the use on to the host.
call HostLogonClMenu
if Host.Logmode = '' then
Logmode = ''
Logmode = 'M('Host.Logmode')'
rc = hllapi('Sendkey', '/L' Host.Applid Host.Userid Logmode'@E')
rc = hllapi('Wait')
do while Host.Password = ''
say 'Enter the password for' Host.Applid '['Host.Application']'
Host.Password = GetPassword()
say "Logging on."
call HostEnterIBMLinkInfo
HostLogoff: procedure expose Host.
*** This will log off from the host assuming that the first valid
*** entry field will support a logoff command. This does no error
*** checking or screen validation.
say "Logging off."
rc = hllapi('Sendkey', '@0LOGOFF@E')
rc = hllapi('Wait')
HostEnterIBMLinkInfo: procedure expose Host.
*** This will enter the account, userid, password and service (IBMLINK)
*** to connect to the IBMLink main menu
*** On Entry: CL/Menu
*** On Exit: IBMLink Main Menu
code = HostWaitFor(60, 'I N F O R M A T I O N N E T W O R K')
if code = -1 then
call HostError
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@0'Host.Account'@T'Host.Userid)
if (length(Host.Userid) < 7) then
code = hllapi('Sendkey', '@T')
code = hllapi('Sendkey', Host.Password'@TIBMLink@E')
code = HostWaitFor(180, 'MAINMENU')
if code = -1 then
call HostError
HostLogonClMenu: procedure expose Host.
*** This will check to see if the session is at the Quality logo
*** or the CLMenu screen or the "Press Enter..." one-liner screen.
*** Upon exit, you will be placed at the CL/Menu screen.
pos = hllapi('Search_ps','CLM095I - PRESS ENTER OR PF KEY TO GET CL/MENU DISPLAY',1)
if pos <> 0 then
rc=hllapi('Sendkey', '@E')
pos = hllapi('Search_ps','To start, enter MENU ====>',1)
if pos <> 0 then
/* Enter the menu command */
call HapiClear
rc=hllapi('Sendkey', 'MENU@E')
/* Wait for the CL/Menu main screen to appear. If it doesn't after */
/* a few retries, bomb out. */
code = HostWaitFor(10, '/L - LOGON TO VTAM APPLICATION')
if code = -1 then
call HostError
HostWaitFor: procedure expose Host.
*** This will wait for a certain string to appear on the screen. Some
*** applications will unlock the keyboard while processing (e.g. most
*** VM applictions), so the HLLAPI code can't just wait for keyboard
*** unlock. This will check for a particular character string before
*** returning. If the string doesn't appear within the number of
*** seconds passed, it will return a '-1' return code.
parse arg MaxSeconds, SearchString
sleeps = 0
do until pos <> 0
pos=hllapi('Search_ps', SearchString, 1)
call SysSleep 1
sleeps = sleeps + 1
if sleeps >= MaxSeconds then
return -1
end /* until */
return 0
*** ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
*** │ HLLAPI Routines │
*** └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
HapiError: procedure expose Host.
arg code verb .
say 'Return code' code 'from HLLAPI command:' verb'.'
call HapiDisconnect
HapiDisconnect: procedure expose Host.
*** This will disconnect the HLLAPI session from the host
call hllapi 'disconnect'
call hllapi 'reset_system'
HapiConnect: procedure expose Host.
*** This will connect to the host session and make sure the keyboard is
*** unlocked.
rc = hllapi('Connect',Host.Session)
if rc <> 0 then
call HapiError rc 'Connect'
if rc <> 0 then
call HapiError rc 'Wait'
HapiClear: procedure expose Host.
*** This will clear the host screen
rc=hllapi('Sendkey', '@C') /* Send a clear key */
rc=hllapi('Wait') /* Wait for clear key to complete */
*** ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
*** │ OPEN │
*** └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Open: procedure
arg file, mode
FileExists = stream(file,c,'QUERY EXIST')
/* Take special actions based on certain open modes */
when Mode = 'READ' then
OpenMsg = stream(file, c, 'OPEN READ')
when Mode = 'WRITE' then
if (FileExists <> '') then
if (mode = 'WRITE') then
'@erase' file
file = FileExists
OpenMsg = stream(file, c, 'OPEN WRITE')
when Mode = 'APPEND' then
OpenMsg = stream(file, c, 'OPEN WRITE')
say 'Error: Invalid open mode' mode'.'
return ''
end /* select */
if (OpenMsg <> 'READY:') then
say 'Error: Open failure on' file'.' message
return ''
return file
*** ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
*** │ CLOSE │
*** └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Close: procedure
arg file
message = stream(file,c,'CLOSE')
if (message \= 'READY:') & (message \= '') then
say 'Error: Close failure on' file'.' message
return file
*** ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
*** │ EXISTS │
*** └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Exists: procedure
arg file
file = stream(file,c,'QUERY EXIST')
if (file = '') then
return 0
return 1